For our Vitra: Four by Four exhibition, interior designer Charles DeLisle included an IBM Selectric typewriter, and implored guests to share their thoughts. Here's what they had to say (misspellings, misstypings and anything else missed are left as original):
it was a dark and stormy night...
howard raork should at the edg
e of a cliff and laughted....
hey coochie girl.....
ahk do re me fa so la te do....
it was a dark and stormy night
it wa' a dark and stormy night......
.... the wind swept thru the sheer curtains raising hairs alon
g the back of
love letter number 9
howard roark stood at the cliff and laughed....
I sold this typewriter before I NY for SF--aye, yi, yi...ruiuu
some one said i dont type...but i do.
It was a dark and stormy niget.
oh yesh sure you havenever been teere for me you say oh sweethe
art but i am but your not really not really i wilsh you were but no darling your are not
what are you going to teink about ?
avat are you sinking about
trick pleaese
your wisk key is delightful
your time is my pleasure
we are ti giti te ge fuekds fir kybc gat 5
I lost a ring today
and now I am with friends
and my ears are ringing
tom tied a kettle
to the tail of a cat
jill put a stone
in the blind mans hat
joe pushed his grandmother
down the stairs
and they all grew up ugly
and nobody cares
There once was a man from Madrass
whose balls were made of brass.
In stormy weather
they smashed together
and sparks flew out his ...
i love typing on this almost as much as i love this room!!
i lovet typin gon thhis crmputer almost as much a' i love this rrom!!
there is a time delay on teis tppewriter that there i'nt on a computer keyob
aord. ran out of rrom and had tor hit return. not auto return! watach out fo
r the end of the line!
how great is this rom! i love this computer - oops freudian slip - tppwrite
forgot about margin release
of course
the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog - preftct!!
sabra is impressed byh my typing!
IBM sedctric - crol name.
Whan that aprile with his showers sote the drought of march hath perced to the
rote. I love typing on this fantastic fabulous typewriter. I once stayed in a hotel in Rome, called the Albergo Santa chiara, behind the Pantheon.
I wanted to write one of my two boyfriends a letter on a Compari Soda box.
They had this really old typewriter in the lobby and I really enjoyed using it and the irregularity of the ink and the letter alignment was so charming and sincere feeling almost like rubber stamps. xc
oop i just chatted with charles and lost my train of thought. Tomorrow, I am buying one in baby blue. beutiful room, see you soon in my classa at CCA. Sabra Ballon
Library Books Gallore. Tre Sheik.
That is what happens when school.
This is a love letter tro my wife!
i am playing at a show in soma! Design are and more. What a Thursday
to be continued . . .
C orretirn' s . " Damn the correctirns and don't ipa spare tee horses"
Sadly teere is little room for ruminatopm that's rumination, dammit
The legantly styled attendees were a pleasure tr behold and a mrdified --
pleasure to speak with pleasant , no present company excepted.
Selectric brings ot mind an adolescent encounter
kjjfih. I am enjoyn of course you messed up . Stop looking over my shoulder
Nina, Luke, Mark, Mallika and Wendy were here. 11/22/08
Hello world.
Wendark Rules!!!
Its Nov.2208 Luke,Wendy,daddyMallikaa and Ninaare at limn.
an d I, mee it was the group of us, Steven, Vloria, met with Headia, Baabbra, Jason, and tee people of limn.
Enjoying the wonderful , furniture and such but damned if I knknow how to use a
a fucking typewriter. Quite tee impossible contraption to me.
and look at the h well it came as an e earlier, like the and other assorte
d words .
Typewriters are an interesting feeling and typing in such asAAAA Set up is quite inticing, maybe who knows.... there' alot of tomorrow in the futrure
like better rocket ships and time travel? maybe teleporting....
somebody is about to cut my hands off. Or it sort of feels like it an
yway. Or, well, I don't knrw what that really feels like I guess. But if th
eywere about to cut my hands off I think I'd know. I feel apprehensive
feiteing' a' well built as tee slectrica...if only GM coudd make a car as du
se ti dico che non ti ho mai amato cosa mi rospondi/
probabilmente che lo sentivi e lo hai preferito,amore amore....che sara'mai
tutto quest
o amore-ti lascio perche'tu lascerai mee ti adoro perche' tu adori me.
ahhhh che bella la vita e le sue sorprese. non mi mancherai per niente o for se si'- speriamo...andiamo a vedere un film/ beviamoci su e amiamoci ancora
un po,prim
a dell'indifferenza;che brutta l'indifferenza. ti prego odiami odiami con tu tta la tua energia.
wserhwllo my friend...
i waas waiting for dear
hello, san francisco is a bit too much fun.....
i can not come badck here alone again.
nice ass yl
north --
jjGary how are you today?
Gary, thanks for the very nice time yesterday!! Love and ki'ses Marlene
Hi Allyn - Jim and Catherine were here on Wednesday, December 17th. We calle
dearlier but heard you were out. We wanted to see your exhibit and today wo
rked for us. Hope you have a wonderful holidayand we will call you for an appointment next year!
I had fun sitting at this typewriter. Made me feel like a secretiary in the 1950's movies where they are all in a huge pool.
See you soon.
Don't know who to correct on this thing! Cattee Catherine
Hekki tere,
Haccy Holidays
help me, i'm stuck in a designer furniture stirestore and can't get out.
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy little dog
the lazy little dog jumps up and chases the fox until he can grab it's tail in his mouth.RRrrr grrrr. I'll teach you to moxck me. Yank, yank, yank. Grrr.
Now is the
Turn on the lass-kiidufjfurjujfj
The fhome collection as Limnn
fghrpeter friess
brock saint larockkkkkkkkk
one if by land, two if by sea
hi charles we lovelivingtower from the rumseysavryth
everything ia in its right place
there are two colors in my head
all work and no play makes jack a dull boyghhjklhgthesheila
the beauty of life is in the present moment.s
i want to buy a dog
--peter graham
i need to belch
can i please have this for my birthday?!
true or false: men make money for sex?
I (heart) Obama & Michelle xxx