Monday, December 15, 2008

Do you miss us yet?

Dear Limn friends,

We feel we owe you our apologies for the delay...

The Thanksgiving holiday, the after-Thanksgiving sales,
"fashion-ista" protocol, and my own version of O.C.D. (( obsessive compulsive design ))

led us to need this long a time to recover from the aftermath of our Vitra opening reception...

The Vitra : Four by Four installation will continue to be on display within
the main courtyard of the Limn San Francisco store until January 20, 2009.

All orders on Vitra Home products will receive an additional 10 % off ,
until the installation is dismantled.

So come by to see these amazing rooms, designed by:

Hella Jongerius & Dana Avrish
Nicole Hollis
Orlando Diaz-Azcuy
DeLisle, Philpotts, and Staub

Furnishings provided by:
Vitra Home
Fort St. Studio
Flos Lighting
Harry Siter
Established & Sons
and more...

... and learn from our lesson

Don't put off for tomorrow, what you can easily do today!

**** Click on the link below to see more pictures from the Vitra party at LIMN ****