Dear Friends,
As you know, the Presidential Election is just over 30 days away and Barack Obama still needs your help.
In an effort to galvanize support for Obama's campaign, Lecia Kaslofsky, Diane Robinson, Tony & Carla Wicks ask you to donate $300 per person or $500 per couple to Obama's campaign at:
In gratitude for your gift, we ask you to join us for a festive evening of wine, hor d'oeuvres and music from Prasant on October 17, 2008. Here are the details:
Where: The LIMN Gallery
Address: 292 Townsend Street San Francisco, CA 94107
Time: 7-9pm (A few special guests will share why they are supporting Obama from 7:45-8:15pm)
A donation of $300 or $500 will be an automatic RSVP for the event. If you donate and are not planning to attend, email Diane at:
Thank you to the LIMN Gallery for donating the space for this event. We look forward to seeing you on October 17th and thank you in advance for supporting Obama for President.
Our best, Lecia Kaslofsky, Diane Robinson, Tony & Carla Wicks